524: 1 Bedroom Apartment - Vingi, Pärnu
The attached Agreement includes the general conditions of the Rental
Agreement between the owner of the object named in the rental offer (further
Landlord), represented by an agency agreement by EstRent Cottages OÜ (further
EstRent) and the person wishing to rent the object (further Tenant). The
object in this Agreement means an apartment, house, holiday, home, etc .
The Tenant and the Landlord are both separately named Party or both together
as Parties. The obligations rising from this Agreement are fulfilled by
the Landlord. Also any claims rising from this Agreement are to made to
the Landlord.
1. The Object, Making of , and Duration of the Agreement
1.1 The Landlord gives and the Tenant
takes into use the object, the offer of which has been
published on the webpage www.estrent.ee and to which
the Tenant has made and the Landlord confirmed a booking
according to Point 1.2 of the Agreement (further Object).
The tenant has to be at least 23 years of age.
1.2 The Tenant makes the booking of the Object
according to the instructions shown on the webpage www.estrent.ee.
After the booking has been made EstRent will send the
Tenant the receipt of the booking as well as information
about the payment of the rent and guarantee payment.
After 25 % of the rent has been received on the bank
account of EstRent, EstRent will send the tenant a booking
confirmation which also includes the contact information
of the Landlord, the exact location of the Object and
information about the receipt of the keys.
1.3 The Agreement is considered signed when the
whole rent has arrived on the bank account of EstRent.
The Tenant has the right to use the Object during the
time period mentioned in the booking (further Rental
1.4 The whole payable rent must be paid at the latest 44 days before
the beginning of the Rental Period. In case the Tenant has paid 25 % of the
rent but does not pay the rest of the rent by the deadline, the agreement is
not considered signed and in such case the cancellation fees in paragraph 4.3
are applied.
1.5 In case the booking is made less than 44
days before the beginning of the Rental Period the Tenant
will pay the whole rent at once.
1.6 The Agreement ends on the last day of the
rental Period.
1.7 The Landlord gives the Object for the use
by the Tenant with the interior and condition described
in the offer.
1.8 The Tenant has the right to use the Object only for the purpose
mentioned in the offer. The Tenant has the right to use the Object personally
and to house there persons according to the number of beds or the maximum
number of persons mentioned in the offer. If the cancellation of the Contract
is based on exceeding the number of people allowed, the paid rent is not
1.9 The Landlord is obligated to give and the
Tenant to receive the Object on the day shown in the
booking between 15 hrs.
1.10 When the Object is handed over the Parties
will make receipt, if needed, where the date of the
handover, the meters and other relevant issues (number
of keys, guarantee payment, etc) are mentioned.
2. The Rent, additional expenses and guarantee payment
2.1 The Tenant has the responsibility
to pay the Landlord the rent according to the price
list on the webpage www.estrent.ee. Unless it has not
been marked differently in the rental offer, the Tenant
will also pay for additional expenses (water, electricity,
2.2 The size of the additional expenses is determined
by meters and the Tenant will pay the Landlord at the
end of the Agreement.
2.3 When the Tenant receives the Object he will pay the Landlord
a guarantee payment of 100 (one hundred) Euro (further Guarantee Payment),
if no other amount is mentioned in the description of the Object. The
payment of the Guarantee Payment is marked on the receipt.
2.4 The Guarantee Payment guarantees the Landlord
the fulfillment of monetary claims arising from the
Contract. In case the Tenant does not fulfill the monetary
obligation arising from the Contract or the Landlord
has a claim against the Tenant for compensation for
damage the Landlord has the right to compensate for
the claim corresponding to the obligation of the Tenant
from the Guarantee Payment. In case the Tenant violates
the obligation in point 3.2.12 of the Contract to return
the Object in same condition as it was received the
landlord has the right to pay for the cleaning from
the Guarantee Payment.
2.5 The Landlord returns the Guarantee Payment
to the Tenant at the end of the Contract. The Landlord
returns the Guarantee Payment in the amount where he
does not have any claim against the Tenant.
3. Obligations of the Parties
3.1 The Landlord has the obligation:
3.1.1 to give the Object to the Tenant
in the condition marked in the offer;
3.1.2 to guarantee the keeping of the Object
in the condition suitable for post-Contract use, except
when the deficiency of the Object has been caused
by the Tenant;
3.1.3 to guarantee to the Tenant the availability
of additional services (electricity, water, etc);
3.1.4 to guarantee to the Tenant who has fulfilled his obligations
diligently the possibility to use the Premises and not enter the Premises
during the validity of the Contract with the exception when the entering
is necessary to liquidate an accident; fire, etc. or to control the
necessary equipment or gauges;
3.2 The Tenant has the obligation:
3.2.1 to use the Object and its Contents
according to its purpose and carefully, incl. to keep
the Object and its Contents from destruction and damage;
3.2.2 to avoid smoking in the Object (indoors)
and keeping pets in the Object and the grounds belonging
to it, unless smoking and keeping of pets is allowed
in the offer of the Object. This does not mean that
the Object is allergy-free;
3.2.3 to compensate for the damage caused to
the Landlord by breaking the obligation, incl. damage
caused by the destruction or damage to the Object;
3.2.4 not to place on the grounds belonging
to the Object trailers, mobile homes nor set up
tents, except when the Parties have agreed to it separately;
3.2.5 not to give the Object to the use of
the third party and not to house in the Object more
persons than the number of beds or persons mentioned
in the offer of the Object. In addition to the maximum
number of people it is possible to house in the Object
one child up to 3 years of age. The Landlord is, however,
not obligated to guarantee him a separate bed;
3.2.6 not to allow guests to the Object, except
with prior permission from the Landlord;
3.2.7 to take into account the interests of
neighbours and other people living in the house;
3.2.8 to inform the Landlord immediately of
accident, fire, etc in the Object and to take immediately
measures to remove any consequenses;
3.2.9 to inform without delay the Landlord
of any dificiencies in the Object and/or its equipment
which affect its normal use, in order to allow the
Landlord a reasonable time to correct the deficiencies
3.2.10 to fulfill in the use of the Object
and the house where the Object is located regulations
for fire safety, house rules and general rules of
3.2.11 to inform the Landlord of his approximate
time of arrival to the Object;
3.2.12 to release the Object on the last day
of the Contract no later than 12 hrs and to return
the Object to the Landlord in the same condition as
it was when received, except if the Parties have agreed
that the Tenant pays to the Landlord for the cleaning
of the Object.
4. Cancellation of the Contract
4.1 The Parties have the right to
cancel the Contract in the form that makes written reproduction possible,
if there are reasonable grounds. Among other things reasonable grounds
for the Landlord is, if the Tenant repeatedly or in sufficient amount
violates the obligation marked in point 3.2 of the Contract and reasonable
grounds for the Tenant is when the Object does not fulfill the conditions
in the offer. If the cancellation of the Contract is based on the violation
of the conditions in Points 3.2.1-3.2.10 the paid amount is not returned
to the Tenant. In addition the landlord has the right to demand the reparation
for all damages caused by the Tenant.
4.2 In case the Tenant cancels the Contrat because
of Contract violation by the Landlord the Landlord will
pay back to the Tenant the rent based on the number
of days left to the end the Contract.
4.3 *) The Tenant has the right to cancel the Contract
before the beginning of the Rental Period by informing
EstRent of this. When the Rental Contract is cancelled
by the Tenant the paid rent is returned as follows:
4.3.1 When the Contract is cancelled
at least 60 days before the beginning of the Rental
Period the rent from which 50 euros has been subtracted
is returned;
4.3.2 When the Contract is cancelld 59 to 21 days before the beginning
of the Rental Period the rent from which 25% of the rent, but no less
than 60 euros has been subtracted is returned;
4.3.3 When the Contract is cancelled less than 21 days before the beginning
of the Rental Period the paid rent is not returned.
Booking fee is non-refundable.
4.4 In case the tenant does not show up at the beginning of the
rental Period or cancels the Contract on other grounds than violation
of the Contract by the Landlord or condition in point 4.5 of the
Contract the paid rent is not returned.
4.5 In case the use of the Object during the
rental Period is made impossible because of circumstances
by a third party (rugulation or act by local officials,
decisions made by the house administration) which are
not the responsibility of neither party the Tenant has
the right to cancel the Contract and demand the return
of the whole paid rent.
5. The return of the Object at the end of the Contract
5.1 On the last day of the Contract
the Tenant has the obligation to release the Object
and return it to the Landlord.
5.2 When the Object is returned the Parties will
mark in the receipt the date of the return of the keys
and the Guarantee Payment and other things.
5.3 In case the Tenant delays the return of the
Object he has the obligation to pay the rent and additional
expeses caused by the delay and to compensate the Landlord
for the damage caused by the delay.
6. Responsibilities and mediation of disputes
6.1 The Party is responsible for the
violation of obligation arising from this Contract,
except when the violation is caused by force majeure.
As force majeure is considered above all war, strike,
closing of borders, epidemics and natural or environmental
6.2 The disputes arising from the Contract are
solved by negotiation. If an agreement is not reached
the disputes will be solved according to the laws oof
the Republic of Estonia.
7. The documents of the Contract
7.1 The document of the Contract consist
of the Contract, the offer for the Object published
on the webpage www.estrent.ee, the booking for the Object
made by the Tenant, booking confirmation by EstRent
and appendices which are made after the Contract has
been signed.